Saturday, December 6, 2008

Letting go

I am inspired by the sms sent by Mimi this evening. She said she cant forward sms anymore after she buy her new iPhone.

Here's the message:
"I don't know why we all hang on to something we're better off letting go. It's like we're scared to lose what we don't even really have. Some of us say we'd rather have that something than absolutely nothing...but the truth is having it halfway is harder than not having it at all."

I think I face the above mentioned dilemma a lot especially in the relationship. It's quite difficult to get win-win situation in a relationship. I always hope that those guys who are or were after me can still be my friends. When I was in that situation, I was hestitated and confused, as I did not know what would be the best for both of us. I was struggled a lot if I should let go. If I am letting go, can we still be friends. There are a lot of question marks.

Another situation, when you finally have to say "fareware" or "good bye" to the one you in love before, can you really letting go? It's easy to say than done. You tell your friends you have let go, but deep in your heart you still miss him. For me, it will take a while, maybe a year, 2 years... That one day will come.

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