Monday, February 25, 2008


一切都发生太快了, 还来不及去吸收,它已经结束了。好像做了一场梦一样,一场让人不知所错的梦。里面参杂了快乐,幸福,伤心,失望。但一切结束时,心跌入了谷底,怎么也爬不上来。要怎么去填补心里的那个缺口呢?相信时间是最佳的疗伤者。

愚蠢的往一条没有出口的路走, 不断的钻牛角尖。明知道没有结果却一头钻进去。还好来得及返回,不至于伤痕累累。

前面还有很多条路可以选择,相信可以找到真正的出口。试着看开点,坚强些。不需刻意去忘记, 越想忘记,越无法忘记。顺其自然吧!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My House

Kitchen Living room

My room

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Saturday, February 16, 2008


爱情是不能勉强的, 是你的就是你的,不是你的就不是你的。如果只是其中一方对另一方有好感是不够的。理想的爱情应该是双方面的。很遗憾的是很多时候,你爱的那个人却不爱你。最近看一本亦舒的小说,里面写着“如果不能与你爱的人在一起,就珍惜与你在一起的人。” 我觉得这句话很有意思。有时候你不能选择你最所想要的东西,就只能选择其次。你说这是无奈还是别无选择?

你没有办法随心所欲,想要就要。大家都是成人,要为自己所选择的负责任。虽然有人会告诉你 “跟着你的心走吧”,“去争取你想要的东西”,“如果没有尝试的话又怎么知道呢?” 这些都是鼓励的话,可是我们都害怕失败。


Valentine Day

Is it suppose to be romantic on Valentine Day? Is it sad to be alone that night? It is quite sad and lonely especially to those who are still single. People will tease you "Oh, you are still single this year!", "Haven't you had a boy friend?" baba bra...... It is not pleasant to the ears.

However, I have a different Valentine Day this year, though I don't have a boy friend yet. I think Valentine is not meant to be for lovers, it is also a day to express love to your friends and families. I am quite glad that I could spend this special day with someone, although we are just friend. "Ma na so panga sip mi da!"

It seems like everything we did are for lovers, we had dinner together and watched a romantic love movie. It was a great time, and I appreaciate the company. "Gon ma wal yo!"