Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Losing of the Soul-life and the Rapture of the Overcomers

The title for this week morning revival is "The Losing of the Soul-life and the Rapture of the Overcomers". It is a warning message for eveyone of us. I didn't have morning revival couple of weeks, but I enjoyed what bro & sis had shared in the meeting.

Luke 9:23-25: And He said to them all, If anyone wants to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his soul-life shall lose it; but whoever loses his soul-life for My sake, this one shall save it. For what is a man profited if he gains the whole world but loses of forteits himself?

1 John 2:15-17: Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in him; because all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the vainglory of life, is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and its lust, but he who does the will of God abides forever.

Lord Jesus taught the disciples to take uo their cross and follow Him by denying their soul-life:
1. To save the soul-life is to allow the soul to have its enyoyment and to escape suffering; to lose the soul-life is to cause the soul to lose its enjoyment and thereby to suffer.

2.To lose the soul-life is to lose the enjoyment of the soul, and to save the soul-life means to preserve the soul in its enjoyment.

3. To deny the self is to reject the soul's desire, preference, and choice.

4. We must deny our soul, our soulish life, with all its pleasures in this age, so that we may gain it in the enjoyment of the Lord in the coming age.

5. If we allow our soul to suffer the loss of its enjoyment in this age for the Lord's sake, we will cause our soul to have its enjoyment in the kingdom age; we will share the Lord's joy in ruling over the earth.

Preserving the soul-life is related to lingering in the earthly and material things.
1. We linger in the earthly things because we care for our soul's enjoyment in the present age.

2. Lot's wife became a pillar of salt because she took a lingering look backward at Sodom, indicating that she loved and treasured the evil world that God was going to judge and utterly destroy.

3. Lingering in the earthly things for the sake of our soul's enjoyment will cause us to lose our soul; that is, our soul will suffer the loss of its enjoyment in the coming kingdom age.

Luke 21:34-36: But take heed to yourselves lest perharps your hearts be weighed down with debauchery and drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day come upon you suddenly as a snare. For it will come in upon all those dwelling on the face of all the earth. But be watchful at every time, beseeching that you would prevail to escape all these things which are about to happen and stand before the Son of Man.

A letter for you

Thanks for the conversation we had last night. I am really appreciated it. When I am lonely or have a problem, I know who to turn to. I am grateful that we can still remain friend after gone through so many things. It's good to end thing like this.

I am really happy for you that you have got the job you wanted, especially during economic crisis. I think God must have preserved you. Do all your best, and take Christ as everything. I will continue to pray for you.

You said I am a nice girl but too soft hearted. Yes, I admit that. I am too soft hearted in many ways. Too easy to trust people, too easy to fall for someone, too easy to forgive people... You said I have to be a strong girl and I must learn from mistake.

Thanks for your advise. Thanks for our friendship. Thanks for everything...

Friday, December 26, 2008


没想到我刚痊愈的伤口又被割伤了. 也许是因为刚刚才痊愈, 所以再次被割伤后感觉特别疼痛. 没有什么比哭能让受伤的心得到安慰. 很多人说哭不能解决问题, 但它确实可以有效的释放心中不满,伤心,委屈的情绪. 哭后, 心情会好一点. 心情好后就可以想怎么解决问题.

我想这次的伤口也许可以很快的痊愈吧, 因为并不是伤得很严重, 只是皮外伤, 止止血就可以了. 休息后, 又可以继续往前.

我得不停的鼓励自己, 叫自己坚强,勇敢一点, 不要败给残酷的现实. 努力及勇敢的去面对才是正确的态度. 我要加油! 周杰伦的稻香让自己觉得自己是身在福中不知福. 感情受伤只是生命中的一个瑕疵, 它并不是生命的全部. 我还有很多事等着我去做.

没想到我现在还可以有这积极的想法. 回顾刚才在房里哭得死去活来, 所想的都是消极的想法. 但是, 哭完后,擦擦泪, 还是可以振作起来, 虽然现在眼睛还是红红肿肿的. 好啦, 现在没事了. 感觉很好. 我要看海角七号, 不写了.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


今天早上起来, 怀疑过去五天是不是一场梦, 分不出是真是假. 一切都发生的太快了. 来得快,去的也快. 所以像一场梦.

有没有一个东西像橡笔檫一样可以把做错的事, 不好的回忆檫掉.男人把责任推给了女人, 说声对不起, 我们作回朋友就算了. 难道, 男人可以轻易忘记所发生的事吗? 男人与女人的想法差距还真大. 我想我可以大慨看清男人所要的是什么. 可是,自己太相信爱情, 以为可以有好的开始. 是自己太天真了, 以为他也是这么想. 我错了, 一次又一次的让自己受伤. 我也希望自己可以从经验中吸取教训, 下次不要让同样的事情发生第三次.

每个人都想尽办法去保护自己, 却不知道在保护自己时伤到对方. 对爱情很茫然, 迷失了方向, 不知道下一步该怎么走. 你说认识的时间太短了, 让你感到压力. 不知你的压力从何而来, 因为我并没有要求什么. 我也知道这一切都太快了. 可是, 我并不觉得这是一件坏事. 只能说你还没有准备好. 也有些例子, 双方只认识短短的一个月就结婚了, 他们也过得很幸福快乐. 这并不是因为时间的关系, 而是你根本没有准备好新一段感情的开始.

我没有资格说你什么, 我也很自私, 我希望自己可以找到幸福. 但是, 下次我应该更精明. 但, 我不知道会不会有下次, 因为对爱情已产生恐惧感.

If I were a boy

That's the song I heard from the radio. The song really sing out how women really feel and I think it is true. I think women are always the weaker one in a relationship.

"If I were a boy, Even just for a day.
I'd roll out of bed in the morning
and throw on want I wanted and go.

I'd drink beer with the guys
And chase after girls
I'd kick it with who I wanted
And I'd never get confronted for it
Cause they stick up for me

If I were a boy
I'd think that I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
And I swear I'd be a better man
I'd listen to her Cuz I know how it hurts
When u lose the one you wanted
Cuz he's taking you for granted
And every thing you had got destroyed

If I were a boy
I would turn off my phone
tell everyone it's broken
so they will think that I was sleeping alone

I'd put myself first
and make the rules as I go
Cause I know that she'd be faithful
Waiting for me to come home, to come home

If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I'd be a better man

I'd listen to her
Cause I know how it hurts
when you lose the one you wanted
Cuz he's taking you for granted
and everything you had got destroyed!

It's a little too late for you to come back
Say It's just a mistake
think I'd forgive you like that
If you thought that I would wait for you,
you thought wrong

But you're just a boy
You don't understand
And you don't understand, oh
How it feels to love a girl
Someday you wish you're were a better man

You don't listen to her
You don't care how it hurts
Until you lose the one you wanted
Cuz you're takeing her for granted
and everything you had got destroyed
but you are just a boy."

Christmas Eve

How was your Christmas Eve? I think I had a good one. I had bought the presents for my colleague and brought to office on Christmas Eve. No ones had mood to work that day. Time passed quite fast. I distribute the gifts to colleagues. And I also received some gifts from others. At first I thought this year will not receive many gift due to recession, but I was wrong.

In lunch time, we went out together with the customer service supports. We have great time together in Hans. Even the market is bad, but we should stay positive :).
I was hoping to leave earlier so that I can run some errands before I went to brother's house for dinner. Anyway, we were released at 4+pm.

It's good to gather with families on this special day. After dinner, we were singing Christmas songs, and sister-in-law shared with us the significance of Christmas day. I was surprised to hear from her that she actually knew 25 Dec is not the actual birthday of Jesus Christ. According to the bible, Jesus was not borned in winter so it shouldn't be in Dec. However, it is significance to remember Jesus's birthday, for saving sinners life and give us the eternal life. I have the same feeling too, as human we are very forgetful, it is good that there is a specific day to remember Jesus's birthday.

After dinner, I went watching Twilight. It was not as good as I am expected. Hmmm... it was little too long for the introduction. No much surprise... Though I have good time and enjoyed it.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


爱情说复杂并不复杂,说简单并不简单。很多时候是人自己将它复杂化。 是因为想太多了。把简单的事扩大了,本来可以很简单的却变复杂了。一个小小的环境,一句不刻意的话,一个小小的动作,都让我们有很多的遐想。也许,它并不代表任何意义。我们只是把本来普通的事加上意识吧了!

要简单也可以很简单. 我觉得最重要还是要互相坦白. 尽量有好的沟通, 知道与了解大家的想法, 试着去体谅与宽容对方. 我最不喜欢有事却没有说出来反而隐藏起来. 这样就会让另一方胡思乱想, 事情就复杂化了. 可以的话, 一起面对所遇到的困难.

有很多事情的发生不是在我们的控制范围内, 我们没有办法让已经发生的事情当作没有发生过. 最重要的是我们该以什么样的态度去面对. 有些人也许要花很长的时间去调节心情, 有些人也许在很短的时间就康复了. 这并没有所谓的对与错. 我不能说你康复的时间太长了. 每个人都有他处理事情的方式, 我们必须尊重他们.

你可以说你对爱情没有安全感, 没有太大的信心, 因为你曾经受伤过. 我想每个人都有自己的过去, 也许是好的回忆, 也许是痛苦的回忆. 无论是怎样的回忆, 重要的是珍惜现在所拥有的, 而不是失去后才后悔. 我们没有办法预知将来会发生什么事情, 那为什么要为无法预知的将来而烦恼呢? 说白了, 人还是为自己着想, 每个人都很爱自己, 保护自己, 不让自己受到伤害. 我没有能力让你忘记过去, 但是如果你愿意, 我希望可以和你开创未来.

给对方多些时间与空间吧. 很多事情是急不得的, 要花时间去经营的. 耐心很重要吧, 学会如何去等待. 虽然, 它将会是我一辈子都学不好的功课, 但是, 我会尽量尝试做到最好.

Posted on 25 Dec, 4:40pm

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Party... Rest... Weekend Over!!


It was fun last night. I attended Mimi's birthday party. The theme of the birthday party was "White winter" and we have to wear winter clothings. Hmmm... imagine in this tropical climate in Singapore, we have to dress like we are in the winter. But it was fun, cos I don't usually have the chance to wear winter clothes unless I go to other countries in winter season. I was still thinking what should I wear the night before. I found the blue & white stripes top, which I have bought it for long time and I didn't have chance to wear it. Hehe... finally, I found the opportunity to wear it last night.

I came home quite late last night and went to bed around 1+am. I managed to wake up this morning and went to the church. But I was very sleepy after I got home. My stomach was a bit upset,and had diarrhea. Oh, sad... my stomach still feel a bit funny.

Today is the Chinese festival, "Dong Zhi", which Chinese will gather together with their families and relatives. The traditional food for "Dong Zhi" is the rice ball, "Tang Yuan". My sister is cooking the ginger soup for the rice ball. It smell really good. I need to go now to eat the rice ball...

Sunday, December 14, 2008


带我走, 去一个没有烦恼的地方.
慵懒的躺在沙滩上, 享受阳光和海风.

带我走, 放下这里的一切.
所有的压力, 不开心的事都抛开.

带我去世外桃园, 越远越好.
不想回头, 继续往前.


可是有很多可是, 要放下并不是这么容易.
走了, 那里不一定会比这里好.


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Letting go

I am inspired by the sms sent by Mimi this evening. She said she cant forward sms anymore after she buy her new iPhone.

Here's the message:
"I don't know why we all hang on to something we're better off letting go. It's like we're scared to lose what we don't even really have. Some of us say we'd rather have that something than absolutely nothing...but the truth is having it halfway is harder than not having it at all."

I think I face the above mentioned dilemma a lot especially in the relationship. It's quite difficult to get win-win situation in a relationship. I always hope that those guys who are or were after me can still be my friends. When I was in that situation, I was hestitated and confused, as I did not know what would be the best for both of us. I was struggled a lot if I should let go. If I am letting go, can we still be friends. There are a lot of question marks.

Another situation, when you finally have to say "fareware" or "good bye" to the one you in love before, can you really letting go? It's easy to say than done. You tell your friends you have let go, but deep in your heart you still miss him. For me, it will take a while, maybe a year, 2 years... That one day will come.