Friday, October 10, 2008


I can't sleep well last night. I think I need to avoid chatting before go to bed. It was a long week for me. There were a lot of issues and work to do. My company set a lot of rules to cut cost because of economy crisis. As a sales, I need to be more careful, especially it is related to money. It's getting very sensitive.

I felt quite stressful sometime when dealing with difficult customers. Some customers are very pushy, they will email and call you several times to ask the same thing. I am an impatient person, I don't like to repeat my word more than 2 times. I will get irritated and annoyed if they keep putting pressure on me.

Impatience is one of my weaknesses. I try to be nice when talking on the phone. Everyone is doing his job, he just hope things can be done on time. Regard this matter, I learn a lot from my new colleague. She has a very good attitude when talking to her customers. I neglect the importance of making good relationship with customers. Most of the time, we are talking about work. To have deeper relationship with people, we need to know their private life too. Chat about what they are interested in, for example, food, children, weekend plans. Once you know them well, they will render their help and support you in the business. I think it is mutual relationship. Not only you need their help, they also need your help.

I learn how to balance myself, not to get over-stressed by my job. I love to go to gymn after work or weekend to destress myself. When I am concentrated doing exercise, I forget about other things. All the worries and anxieties are gone. In order not to let my mind wander around, I start reading a book when I travel to work. It's another good way to get away from the worries. I am trouble-minded, whenever I am free, my mind start working, and most of the time, it produces negative thoughts. I want to be free from this, and not to be controlled by it, as it always makes me feel very emotional.

A new day ahead. I am going to plan my weekend. Maybe, I need some sleep later. Ciao~~

Thursday, October 2, 2008


感觉有点陌生,因为很久没有 blogging 了。可能也不知道要写什么吧。没有发生什么特别的事。Blogging 就好像写日记一样,我只有在无聊的时候或有特别的事发生才会动笔或动脑写日记. 今天动脑的原因是一位无聊. 其实,我在等下班呢. 今天比较闲空,因为中国放假一周,这周是他们的黄金周. 在电子这一行,中国扮演着重要的角色, 因为很多工厂都在中国.

除了上下班,平常有空就去健身房,因为刚参加会员不久. 反正,闲着也是闲着, 不如去做运动,有益身体. 这下子,爸爸妈妈就不用担心了.他们就是希望我多做运动,身体才会健康.另外,也开始打壁球了, 停了一阵子因为没人陪我打.

以前常约出去的朋友也较少有往来,不想提为什么. 我想她很满意现在的生活吧,我也提不起勇气去约她. 不是做了什么对不起她的事,就是感情淡了. 好像没有什么见面的理由. 有时候,友情就是这样的脆弱吧!